Monday, October 6, 2008

Birthday Party Contest

Drs Lubisich are having a Birthday Party Contest.  If your birthday falls on October 1 through December 31st  you can win a party for you and 9 friends at Big Al's, JJ Jump House, or Kids Club.  All you have to do is email us your name, phone number, and birthday.

Frequently asked questions
1. Why didn't all of my children get a postcard?

We have only sent postcards to patients that have birthdays between October 1st and December 31st (during 4nd quarter 2008) thus not everyone in the family will receive a postcard in the first mailing.

2.  How long will the contest be running?

The contest will be going for 1 year.   Winners will be drawn for each quarter through the 1st quarter of 2009.  Four mailings and four drawings throughout the year will take place.  There will be 1 winner per quarter for a total of four.   

3.  Do I have to bring in an entry?

You can email us at with your name, phone number, and birthday or drop by and fill out an entry form.

4.   Are my parents going or are they included in the nine?

The party includes the winner and nine of their friends, parents are required to attend.

5.  Who can enter?

Anyone can enter. 

6.  How many winners are you planning to have?

We are planning to have one winner per quarter for a total of four.