Monday, February 4, 2013

Dental Emergencies

Emergecy Dental Services - 360.256.1755

When you need an emergency dentist, Vancouver Pediatric Dentistry is the only call to make!

Dental Emergencies

The need for emergency dental care can occur any time. The most common types of injuries are the results of toddlers falling down and children and teens injured while playing sports.

The peak period for trauma to primary, or baby teeth, is between 18 to 36 months - a time when children are curious, yet uncoordinated.

With permanent teeth, sports accidents are the most common cause of dental emergencies, especially in teenagers. Swinging arms and elbows and butting heads are common causes of injuries in football, baseball, basketball, and soccer. Parents of cheerleaders should also take caution, as dental injuries in that sport are skyrocketing. No matter what type of injury occurs, the first 20-30 minutes are crucial in determining if a tooth can be repaired or saved. Steps to take depend on the type of tooth that has been injured and what kind of injury occurred.

IF A TOOTH HAS BEEN KNOCKED OUT OF PLACE: If the tooth has been knocked backwards or out of position but is still in the socket, simply wash your hands, then pinch the crown of the tooth and snap it back into place. The teeth on either side will guide it into position. Use a cold compress (a cold, wet towel or washcloth pressed firmly against the area) to reduce swelling, then go to the dentist immediately. The dentist will then fine-tune the placement of the tooth and stabilize the tooth.

IF A TOOTH HAS BEEN CHIPPED OR BROKEN: If possible locate the fragment of the broken tooth, wash it gently with water, then go to the dentist as soon as possible. If the tooth has been shattered or more than half of the tooth is broken, find the tooth fragments and go to the dentist immediately. The dentist can re-bond your tooth fragment. If the fracture is over half the tooth, then the nerve of tooth may be exposed and need immediate treatment to protect the nerve.

IF A TOOTH HAS BEEN KNOCKED OUT: If a baby tooth has been knocked out, don't worry about replacing it. Clean the child's mouth gently with water and use a cold compress to reduce swelling. Then make an appointment with your child's dentist to determine how serious the injury is.

If it's a permanent tooth, it's critical that you put it right back into the socket within 20 minutes to avoid serious nerve damage. Even if you're a bit squeamish, you must get the tooth back into the socket.

If for some reason you can't get the tooth back in, place it in milk or saline. These liquids help protect the delicate cells around the root much better than water. The important thing is to keep the tooth moist but avoid washing or rubbing it, and avoid touching the root.

We emergency dental treatment 24 hours a day. Call our office for the emergency number to call. If you ever have a dental concern please do not hesitate to call us. If it is bothering you, please bother us!


  1. Very nice post, thanks for sharing the information. Keep up the good work.

    wenham pediatric dentist

  2. Growing up I was terrified of going to the dentist. To this day it isn't something that I like doing, but it's something that I'm grateful for. Dentists of all kinds do so much for us and help us all have better lives.
